Sunday, July 01, 2007

Linkim 7/1/07

Haveil Havalim 123 is up! Carnival of the Insanities is up!

MPAC-UK: "A childs plea: 'Please close Guantanamo jail so I can see my daddy and give him a hug'"

IslamOnline: "it can be the work of Muslims, Christians, Jews or Buddhists." One heading reads "No Deionization." (h/t: LGF)

Barry Rubin: "How to Rationalize an Islamic Dictatorship" (h/t: Martin Kramer)

Treppenwitz gives blogging advice.

It's Almost Supernatural: "Kasrils Calls in the Cavalry"

Neo-Neocon: "The surge: 'Hello we must be going…'"

Daled Amos: "Extreme Makeover: Palestinian Edition"

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