Thursday, February 21, 2008

"Kimjongilia Festival Full of Reverence for Great Man"

A Kimjongilia is a flower named for the Big Juche Guy. Don't ask me what an "ecstasy decorated with Kimjongilias" is. From (North) Korean News:
The 12th Kimjongilia Festival, opened on Feb. 13, is being visited by a stream of people every day.

The festival venue presents an ecstasy decorated with Kimjongilias reflecting the best wishes of the Korean people and the world progressives for Kim Jong Il.

On display there are tens of thousands of immortal Kimjongilias presented by some hundred units including military organs, ministries and national institutions, soldiers of the Korean People's Army, working people of all strata and school youth and children, and overseas Koreans and foreigners.

The model of the Lake Chon on Mt. Paektu, and the exhibition stands like sun-rays shining from the Korean map made with Kimjongilias--they show well the will of all people to hold Kim Jong Il as the sun.

The current festival held in the significant year marking the 20th anniversary of naming the flower Kimjongilia is attended by many organizations of overseas Koreans, organizations of foreigners and individual figures.

Displayed there are 250 Kimjongilia pots sent by officials of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan and Koreans in Japan and more than 200 Kimjongilia pots by Koreans in China.

Also seen in the flower festival are more than 300 Kimjongilia pots sent by 30-odd diplomatic missions in the DPRK including China, Russia, Cambodia and Indonesia, the European Union and other international organizations and friendship and solidarity organizations with Korean people including the Sweden|Korea Friendship Association and the Peruvian|Korean Institute of Culture and Friendship.

A company in Jilin Province of China exhibits more than a hundred Kimjongilia pots and the U.S. Group for the Study of Songun Politics immortal flowers reflecting their sincerity.

The flower festival proves the ever-deepening respect and reverence of all people for Kim Jong Il.
Yeah, even we Imperialist types sneak in a little reverence for Mr. Poofy-head in between hegemonic plots.

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